Saturday, August 8, 2015

Porn Culture Takes Over

The Famed English Historian Arnold Toynbee once said something to the effect that borders between cultures rich and poor tend to favor the poor.... people like things cheap, think they get more for less, and the poor culture moves up the food chain influencing the rich more so than the rich influences the poor. I think we have a good example of this in the rise of what I call porn culture. Now, I'm not being puritanical, I like a little skin as much as the next guy, but I feel like in about the last 20 years I have seen the rise of fetish that has no basis in normality, the fetisization of fetish seems based on fetish... it's as if the system has gone awry, left it's roots, has no grounding in reality anymore. My thesis I guess is that the influence of Jackie Kennedy, of the days when fetish was private and not shamed, and when sexy and classy lived side by side so to speak, has evaporated to something I will call Vegas Culture, or Stripper or Porn Culture. It seems to have worked up the food chain, with the Adult Industry shepherding it that way, and invaded Club culture and now seems to be taking over things as simple as weddings and tatoo's.
I guess I am pointing out that the lines between public and private conduct are being so blurred, and it's in part due to corporate interests, and what is happening is that Fetish is in our face 24-7 as an enticement which makes it loose it's flavor but has people who want to see themselves as cutting edge or rebellious embracing things so extreme that the norm is now so open that it has lost the intimacy of secrecy. The Sexual revolution is so complete that no one knows anymore how to make love because we are all so busy fucking. You can't make money on making love.. hoochie has won over romance the same way oil won over streetcars. We all rushed into it as a way of pretending we were adult when only a few seem to know how to flirt and fiddle anymore because so many are so busy rutting rutting rutting. Hipsters are too busy exploring their mental curiosity to engage their emotional curiosity to fight this.
What caused it? good question... is it the shift of the centers of our culture to warmer climes, Florida, Arizona, Southern California, where more is revealed out of practicality? Is it the constant push of marketing for sex and sexually related products, like liquor sales, clothing lines, and the adult toy and movie industry?
Is it the broadening of the progressive spirit and a legacy of the Baby Boomers for everyone to rush towards more overt sexuality as a notion of civil rights, maturity, and coolness?
All of the above and a few more reasons I would guess.
The move for me is symbolized by brands like Vivid, Ed Hardy, Lucky, Stoli, and the Tatoo/fast cars/liquor industry, the P Diddy world of the 90's broadened and intensified, the prurient as the baseline leaving no place left to go, nothing left to imagine, plastic surgery as the norm, our barbie dreams the only remaining model of mass produced happiness.
The upcoming generation has an affinity for the culture of the early 40's, something a bit more genteel, but they do it with the assumption that any shame in sexuality is inherently wrong, which is a bit of an oversimplification of what might be seen as a deft maneuvering of the waves and shoals of human sexuality.
Can we blame Kinsey? I don't think so.. he described what was under the surface, but it was low culture that brought it to the forefront, this idea that addictions are virtues, the combination of the notion that there is no shame in being low class, and the notion that sexual health is a national virtue as exemplified by Sexual Education nationally at the age of maybe 5th grade, have led to a confidence on matters of reproduction that is a bit like a sophomoric ego, smart enough to not be dumb, but not smart enough to be nuanced about it.
The outcome is clear, the white hip hop scene of sorts, the Kardashianization of America.. the idea that icons are not classy examples of the rare air of the upper class, of refinement like Gweneth Paltrow or Katherine Hepburn, but are more likely to be exemplary of the upper class mimicking the lower class with a focus on the extremes of body type and behavior like the Kardashians, making the subversive so mainstream that it looses it's subversion, and becomes the norm for lack of any more creativity. Larry Flint pulls you down, objectifies you for our Colosseum Pleasure, but in response no one climbs up to be pulled down anymore. Perfume goes from ambrosia soaked rarity to mass produced saccharine, matching the trends with allure from truffle soaked coquettish to bubble gum flavored emptiness. From french boudoir to Hustler store Chinese shipping container cheapness in 100 years flat.
Now to be fair, what is has always been and will always be. Before the Kardashians there were other icons that portrayed the prurient above the principled, the Jayne Mansfields of the world for those of us who were too busy makin' a 9-5 to play the tease game, wanted what we wanted now, fast girls and a little bit of pleasure. The world has always had high and low, but it seems as if the low has reached up recently to gobble up the high, that the bourgeois know only the prurient now, are not tempted by the yacht culture of the refined. Sperry is being subsumed by Stiletto, the perception of ecstasy has crowded out it's true experience, and fucking has won over's coming out of Miami and Phoenix and Mexico and the Jersey Shore because the only ones willing to show us how it's done are the desperate and the desperate are now the new rich. Suburban kids no longer look to the wayward porn stars of the 70's who might have still had a classy background, fell out of modeling or some such thing due to a taste for forbidden fruit, but now look to the Rock Star energy drink world of Trailer Culture thrust upwards, the quick buck as the new norm, the movers and shakes hustling us all for cash with no idea how to spend it. The Icons become empty. Rolls Royce a brand but not a tradition of excellence, Ogilvy subsumed by trashy iconography.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Google Turns for the Worse..with a hand in your pocket...

The guys at google.. they are smart..
I once hung out with an MIT math PHD candidate.. he had a crush on my sister... poor guy.. I asked him what he wanted to do after graduation, and he said work for google. He said they were so far ahead it was amazing.
For years, google doesn't fuck up. They kept giving amazing products away, like this one, Blogger, and they fueled a change int he world, a real revolution that likely led to things like the Arab spring and who knows what else.. enlightenment was no further than a few key strokes away.. 7 Billion people on this earth and what must be a computer for about half of em.. even 5 years ago there was still only a computer for one in every ten. For years is was IBM and TI, then apple and personal computing began, Microsoft and it exploded and with democratic principles, re-branded mac, but then the Google era began. It seemed like computers were achieving everything we dreamed of, and all that is left is what we have left to dream or possibly even want, like self driving cars and google glasses.. but they took us to the Nth, they translated and blogged us, made the world so small, showed us every video conceivable and seemed like a benign force.. most importantly of all, they answered the questions we asked, and exercised restraint, seemed to find a balance between greed and service.. but about a year and a half ago, and I remember because I happened to be in San Fran at the time, and visiting a friend whose hubby was an exec there, I started to notice they were fucking up. But these guys are too smart to fuck up by accident.. what seems like a fuckup must have been something else.. Google was finally cashing in. This was maybe new years of 2014.
I started to notice it.. progress on the things that I needed improved seemed to stop, and my searches started to become less reliable.. it used to be I only had to search for something once.. but now, it was like the first three terms or so, usually so reliable, were things I didn't want.. I was learning, not shopping, but like Yahoo, Bing, and Ask Jeeves from 10 years ago,Google seemed to have forgotten how to fetch properly.. it would bring me what it wanted to bring me, the ball not my slippers, and it would sometimes just wander off. I might have been taking it for granted, but it's a computer not a dog, and I can't scratch it behind the ears to redeem it or save our relationship. it feels a bit powerless.
I remember when google became indispensable. I avoided the internet in college, stuck to books and libraries, had a student email address but never checked it, and when I did, months before graduation, I had 3000 messages but none were personal. I got into email and forged ahead, but I could tell a few of my more sophisticated friends, Ivy League types, had already moved on, were bored of email.. They already had facebook in their schools and everything was so public, but I was catching up, and they kept talking about something called 'Google Search'. This was in the early oughts. My dependence on books had been wise.. the Dewey Decimal System was as yet uncorrupted by commerce... truth was still truth, but yahoo and it's buddies were obvious whores.. helping me correctly about one in three times..surfing the net was an avocation, not a profession, and it yielded quirky and often times hilarious results, but it wasn't something to be trusted for serious matters... then along came google. It did what you asked it to.. like Microsoft had done to the typewriter, it destroyed the library.. it gave you what you wanted, free and consistently, and then it gave me better, better email, and then 20 other things I never dreamed I wanted but now feel I need: cloud storage, images, maps. amazing maps and geography tools, phone calls and even texting.. all for free.. it was incredible.. how much value did google create.. incalculable.. how man things did I accomplish because of it.. 10,000 emails later from me setting up a gmail account.. I can't even fathom.. I was a late adopter.. I assumed the market was competative, created parity.. that yahoo, hotmail and gmail must all be basically the same.. my girlfriend must be the same as my buddies girlfriend, not even curious. How wrong I was! someone talked me into a Gmail account and it kicked the shit out of hotmail.. not even close.. I became more sophisticated and my work improved, my life got better. I skipped Facebook entirely, never got a phone... google gave me all of that and I didn't want to venture into the world of wants from needs.. google was meeting all my needs and that was all the time I wanted to spend online, in front of hte box with lights.. the world got ahead, went to snapchat and twitter, novelized what for me just needed to be functional, and I almost felt proud to be so loyal to a company that gave me what I needed and not what it thought I wanted, but that began to change..
Again, around new years of 2014, new things seemed to go stale, not improve, and when they did improve, there were fuck ups... things weren't better often, just different, or they sucked.... they took away free texting.. does this mean I have to get a phone to keep up with the hectic Jones, who don't even answer their phone anymore because it's too time consuming to talk?
They would create things and let them go fallow.. google drive.. awesome idea, ran whole projects with it, but it sat.. it was like a government service. somehow I had paid for it, and somehow it worked for me, like roads and mail delivery.. but it wasn't so simple.. Snowdon popped out and told me I maybe should have only trusted Yahoo, even though they didn't quite have their shit together anymore.. and forget the government, corporate privacy became the real issue.. they were pimping me out for ad revenue..
I guess there are no free lunches and I should have known better, but they hid it well for so long and didn't seem to be missing meals.. they were already rich and seemed happy them google guys.. but maybe they thought all the value was on speculation, and that if they didn't try to make moves to monetize, in that american express way, from the businesses, if they didn't sell their soul to someone, it would be too late.. the next game changer would come along and it would all be for naught.. all that value and service created, just a waste of humanitarian time.. that doesn't buy a car elevator and a G-5 trip to the Disruptive Technology Convention ( yes that's a real thing, and trust me they go! and they wear lot's of silicon valley colors.. earthy toned suits, the Palo Alto Pallet, low key but truly expensive.)..
So I don't know what was worse.. knowing they were cashing in, were making an intense turn around to cash in everywhere they could but directly from me, or knowing that that greed was making them complacent, that that calling utility that I actually did pay for, was now getting even shittier, not just not improving, and that my browser seemed to reload more and more when I now have a bandwidth and monthly limit, and that cool little things like the tabs going away to make my page bigger seemed to not work anymore... it's a slow slip, but they are right.. they have me, who the fuck is even close.. I usually get out quick when it's slipping.. it's like staying with a girl because you don't have a truck to move your stuff.. but this is different.. no girl does this much for me.. blogger, drive, voice, hangout.. I'm settled down but she's distracted and in genuine, but man, it's gunna be hard to explain this to anyone.. it's subtle, but it seems like the smartest are noticing.. I don't live in a place like New York to know what the buzz is ( I live in a place that has bandwidth limits and doesn't even touch the mainland US!) but something tells me if I plugged in, they might be talking about some other bad ass thing that is filling that hole, Duck Duck Go or some other thing, but I'm here with the hoi palloi, and I do feel like years of good will are being monetized, and it's unsettling.. like a dad asking me to pay him back for college.. it just feels wrong even if it was always part of he plan.. why, dad why.. why google why.. can't you hide it like you did all these years?
Ways Google is slipping:
Google Circles was absurd... why compete with facebook poorly? it spread you too thin, nd made mefeel like you are playing with my privacy

  1. Search results more and more obviously influenced
  2. phone call utility sucks
  3. tab hiding option gone
  4. Blogger unimproved in like 3 years
  5. Hangout also stagnant, and confused by circles..
  6. Less reliable browser, almost your most important tool after google search
  7. Translate seems to be stumped more often, and isn't getting better
  8. Spell checker, again, stagnant
  9. They dropped the texting service, didn't even let me pay for it
  10. Why does Google Photos keep assembling stories for me? it's Single White Female creepy
  11. The whole thing to foist Google Circles onto me seemed so desperate.
  12. How much have they whored themselves to Constitutional Violations by private contractors and the NSA? I kind of want to know.
  13. Streetview is amazing.. can't you make it actually work smoothly? If we put a man on the moon today you would have been responsible, but streetview works like a video game from the DOS days.
  14. I still can't create groups with my gmail address book and do simple business things.. is this a patent issue or are you just lagging?
  15. all of this becomes more absurd when you realize that google is becoming a Green utility, a car company, a glasses manufacturer, a cell phone company and who knows what else.. they are loosing track of the bread and butter, a sign of boredom and decadence at the tippy top, the same thing that happened to Microsoft when they got away from XP to Vista just to make more money in 2006. It's jumped the shark but they still make money because the same people who still love incandescent bulbs still want to play Deer Hunter on the same computer they had 10 years ago.