Monday, February 6, 2017

Why I could never live in New York Again, at least not while it's like this...

Arrogance: Britain's youngsters look at the City and see the gluttonous corruption of a few traders and the complacent self-interest of their chief executives
Live it up, Douchebags...
1. Government Greed    one buck for a 1 penny metro card.. get outta here... I call bullshit. Howsabout the Javitz Center Tax for every hotel room in midtown..crock o' shit.. you built it, you pay for it..
sales tax..8.875%   get the fuck outta here.. they tax people who already pay income tax and property tax to them.. they surpress trade and hurt the poor the most just to scratch an extra dime out of people. Bad Policy, institutional arrogance.

2.  Manhattan is Dead.. all the action moved to Brooklyn.. Manhattan is filled with greedy yuppies from the midwest..and the action is Brooklyn is pretentious and behind closed doors... what happened to the fun?

3. New York used to be relevant for everything.. now it's only relevant due to much as I find the English boring, London is a true international city... more melting pot than salad bowl.. New York can only be as relevant as America is, and how relevant will it be in the era of trump, in an era of isolationism..publishing and music used to be big industries in New York, but they are on the skids.. if it wasn't for Jay Z New York music would just be the Philharmonic as far as the world is concearned. TV is holding on, but even it slowly but surely moves to LA. Toronto stole movies away a long time ago. Journalism might be the last bastion of New York exceptionalism, but even there, LA seems to be gaining ( From NPR West in Culver City...) and DC will never give up it's share of the pie..

4. Speaking of Trump.. the Trump era means being from New York is an embarrassment when dealing with the intelligentsia.. he is our symbol for the foreseeable future, with the Yankees down off of a good run, and no one else set to fill in the gap.

5. Saturday Night Live is kind of a bellwether of NYC prominence, but it's been flat for years.. it's yuppie office humor more often than not.. not really connected to the mainstream, not really inspiring or bold ( OK, on occasion, on politics it still tries, but even Alec Baldwin as Trump was awkward, still kind of repulsive in being too close to home.. the last great stand was Tina Fay as Palin, but even she is too all head no heart these days.. I'll give it to them for making fun of Scientology, that was a throwback to the good old days, but it's been so flat.. the show need rejuvenation.. it's too big a deal to make it onto SNL to stay hard working once you are on there.. it was great when the black guys were really black, it was America warts and all, not Office Space the Series.). Saturday Night live was great when it led and didn't react.. the same with all of New York.

6. I hear it's actually dangerous again.. that might be a good sign.. New York was always at it's best when it took effort to live there.. you had to want it, you had to care.. maybe the permissive nature of the DiBlassio era will bring back some grit and shitty neighborhoods where they creative can supplant the established or simply the well funded. Maybe we can chase out the Olsen Twins and bring back the likes of Madonna. Say what you want about her now, she was self made in the classic NYC way back in the day...

7. Bring the Arena back.. I'm no fan of football, but when you have to schlep out of Manhattan for a football game to Jersey, who is zoomin who.. what happened with Atlantic yards? sure it would've sucked to live next door, but do we really need more condos? Who dares wins, and Manhattan stopped being audacious when it lost the stadium. it became a bedroom community of Brooklyn's..

The New New York