Monday, November 12, 2012

Cliche as Conversation in New America

I have observed, so as to stick with ' Grumpy Sociology' theme of this 'blog', that American's don't seem to speak to one another anymore with anything approaching original thought. They instead seem to have whole conversations that are almost exclusively regurgitations of Conventional Wisdom and Cliche's, the kind of stuff an active brain hears once, processes, but doesn't feel the need to ever say again. It might just be a drunk white guy thing to do, but it's also a drunk white girl thing to do, and a sober white guy thing to do, and a sober white girl thing to do, and a sober red neck thing to do, and a drunk red neck thing to do, and on and on...
Sometime in the 1970's I feel as if movies became pervasive enough that there was no hiding from the stereotypes it would observe, examine, and display, and the news media did the same thing. After a while, instead of endeavoring to be unique, the vast majority of people seemed to just give up, join one or another stereotype, and just parrot it's mantras all day long.. it went from being somehow complex prior to our overexposure, to just being this hollow parroting.. This might be a nostalgic view, that somehow there was more substance behind the cliche's a harder life for the NYC stock World War Two character or cop or stock pickup driving southern boy back in the day, when the world was less depicted, and a little less glossy and smooth; that it somehow had more texture, but was still driven by group dynamics, we just follow these hollow roles more than ever because the individual texture is gone, we don't know how to get it back, so now we are just mouthfuls of affirmation of that hollow role we picked out... almost daily in the contiguous 48 I feel like that is exactly what I see... 12 Angry Men fades to Dog Day Afternoon, which fades to Heat 2, which fades in turn to a crack on Friends or How I Met Your Mother about a headier past, by some nostalgic writer, and conversation devolves into some endless blather of group opinion affirmation as we wait for our wing dings to heat up in the national sports bar from hell.. and any deviation from this is an abdication, and leads to some endlessly rehashed sharing of more cliched and regurgitated opinions with nary a new fact or idea submitted or entertained.. and the status quo lives on, and we get to keep doing what we think we should be unabated, until the next round of wings arrives...

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