Wednesday, January 9, 2013

In Mexico...

I often times find myself pondering who knows more about life, virgin's or whores.
It feels as if the precipice from innocence to jadedness is most profound in this culture where currently all manner of vice and violence is as closely available as the corner store, Mexico. In America, we see Los Angeles this way, as a place you go to lose your innocence, but not only does it pale in comparison to mostly Urban Mexico in terms of cheaply decadent emotional wreckage, the new ploy in LA has been Kardashianized, 'The Virgin Whore'. Few Mexicans would endeavor to be both... the point of combining the two is lost on them (and on me to some degree...).. somehow women, and I guess men here as well, go from something childish and content to something desperate and in search of satisfaction in an instant in the barrios of the United States of Mexico, or perhaps it is two Mexico's living side by side ignoring each other's ploy.. one heading to school each day dreaming of braces, a new f-150, and a baptismal party for their children, complete with Pinata, and the other roams the streets at night searching for the next fix at any price, but somehow content in some way that it lives the more honest life of the two...
If I find anything compelling about Mexico it is that confidence. I have seen it from Tapachula to Tijuana, and it's proven to me that poverty isn't a dusty finca and a flea covered mule, it's this urban stuff that is the true lowest rung, and they know how to look you in the eye..
That willingness to toy with traditional life, but abandon it for true darkness at any price.. the confidence that comes from some odd notion that they are drinking the purest nectar of wisdom from the darkest bottom of the world's deepest barrel.
This notion has spread somewhat south through Central America but somehow been stopped by the Darien Gap, somewhat stopped in Nicaragua to be accurate.. Only in places will you find such consumptive desperation in South America, but it is rarely so individual.. that is why one has to go to Mexico to find the deepest wisdom of the whore, it appears.. for all else in Latin America the gig is some combination of innocence or indifference, although the mentality of the whore is spreading south as I said.. Buddha might say for better, the Pope would say for worse..
Perhaps therein lies the essential problem of a modern Latin America, the languor that settles in outside of these pits of Mexican depravity, for no role models exist for the post addictive lifestyle, only the two old options of indulgent ones drunk and singing on the doorstop at night, and the simplified myth of the self denial  of Christ. Unlike Asia where innocence is a myth deflated, and most seem to spend their time deciding what 'mistake' to make next, or Europe, where enlightenment has made such questions a point of mockery over glasses of wine, in Latin America, Argentina and Brazil perhaps excepted, no one validates the hungers and the lusts as a normal part of life except for those selling it, and there is no 'French Model' for trying a little and getting used to it... so the polarity of virgin whiteness and diving into the deep end persist, with it's life lessons coming fast, nowhere so fast as in Mexico...

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