Sunday, December 30, 2012

How Yuppies Think

You have likely heard the term.. A lyricised acronym for Young Urban Professional, basically people who have, well, professions, they were the also-rans in college, the guys you always had a running joke with but never felt like baring your soul to... you were kind of underwhelmed with what they did with their life, knew they came from a nice enough family, but always kind of worried about what they really had to give.. They became famous in movies from the 80's, the decade when America made a clean break from it's working and rural class pasts, and created a shiny new world separate from practical realities other than economics. Movies like Working Girl, and like Melanie Griffith, they seemed prey to appetites that others would find a little pedestrian, like Antonio Banderas. They seemed to live a fantasy deferred, and talked about the future and what they would have and do someday. And that fantasy always seemed a bit sad, like something to please their father, but you would never tell them you felt so... They eventually became the but of jokes, and moved into a weird bubble that seemed artificial. After a while, it became harder and harder to give a shit about them... this is how they think:

  • Yuppies like the path of least resistance. This makes them by definition mediocre, and on some level unprincipled.
  • Yuppies get their ideals from their friends and family, not from learning about historical figures of role models
  • Yuppies need approval
  • Yuppies will mouth any platitude, but deep down inside they are in it for #1
  • Yuppies rarely have a legitimate connection to their surroundings, which they usually view as inferior to some other place they abstractly dream of being. it makes it easier to live with a consumer mentality that they are rewarding themselves for some perceived suffering or deferred satisfaction in a place they are too good for.. if they took the time to realize what was really going on around them, the construct would fall apart, and they would have to divert from the path of least resistance which is usually a well paying job, and a perception of a compromised existence that 4/5 of the world would kill for...
  • Yuppies would have no problem seeing others suffer to make their life or the lives of those they think they love safer...
  • Yuppies equate money with all the rewards that are worth having in life.. They crave financial security at the behest of all else.
  • When yuppies are in charge.. They stack the deck.
  • Yuppies like to drink... They think it is a reward, and they only way they can have fun.
  • Yuppies like safe edgy, and are afraid to venture into true fetish or pleasure seeking at the behest of security. In other words, Yuppies Love Vegas, but if they loved Tijuana, they would stop being yuppies and become something all together more sordid but human... Which might be their greatest fear.
  • Yuppies always claim to want silence and peace and a chance to think, some beach vacation where nothing happens, but in fact, it is the thing they are most afraid of.
  • Yuppies, no matter how much they claim to love rebellion and spontaneity, will judge you and discount you if you have not constantly made the same financially self advancing rational and logical decisions they have made.
  • Yuppies believe they set the standards for normalcy in behavior, and that doing so is a virtue.
  • They judge things outside them by the distance they deviate from that norm
  • Yuppies are obsessed with Cancer. Since they play it safe in almost all regards, they feel like Cancer is the one thing that can sneak up on them and ruin the fun they are having being the norm. They mourn people who die of cancer as victims, and they love to mourn victims, since being a victim implies innocence, and they love to see innocence as a virtue. Innocence is usually defined by doing what is socially acceptable, and expecting to not be singled out or mistreated as a result.
  • Yuppies love Coldplay, U2, and Wilco. These bands make their money preying upon the emotions of people who are fulfilling other's versions or fantasies of happiness, but are unwilling to stop doing so because they feel it makes them 'virtuous' and 'selfless'.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New York

People move to New York City to kill their inner child...there is something they don't like about it, something vulnerable, undeveloped.. naive, which is perhaps the greatest kiss of death explanation they can give you... I say 'they' because I grew up in NYC, and these days I love to act naive.. it feels... well.. childish. You see, growing up there being a child had it's detractors, it was beaten out of you for a number of reasons, so I went elsewhere to be a kid, to find what they had all left behind in their rush to be BCC, Big City Cool... I wanted to see where all these pretentious honor students from the Midwest were coming from, what they left behind, what embarrassment, what ruined by insufficient status high school relationship had so crushed them that the only solution was to run to the sunless canyons where they would never believe I walked as a toddler petting dogs and riding bikes, in search of endless rejection and edge, perfection or masochistic pleasure but never both.. endless consumption of culture so rare as to be endemic only to such a place as this, a seething sea of voracious minds frail and gaunt from the endless high that is 'the' city..
The reasons for stamping out childhood in the Jungle were many, and came from different people in different ways, but it was one thing that all New Yorkers seemed to agree on..
The Old School guys would remind you that you had responsibilities.. that being a child of such a city gave you a mantle of authority not to be shirked... you had responsibilities to somehow lead, to not just be any old kid searching for fun around the corner. You had a job to do.. you come from New York, and the world will look to you for leadership.. this was the Noblis Oblige of the classicists, don't you realize how lucky you are kid, who needs trees when you got Broadway... where would the next Julius Ceasar come from if not from Rome?!
Then there were the 'Almost Made It's', who realized how, in sad hindsight, they were only hanging out with kids because they hadn't somehow started 'it' soon enough, that special skill they game to hawk but found out that 200 could hawk it better and only 50 could pay the bills with it in the worlds greatest meritocracy.. they would teach you that now was not the time to play with toys and idly away opportunity... you must refine while the clay is still fit to be molded.. then there are the seekers, come to the city with no particular ambition but with a bold desire to never go back from where they came from, to never imbibe the filtered and derivative.. for them, childishness is Disney and Disney is commercial and therefore of a place other than New York, a luxury of those who truly will take what they are given instead of deciding what they want, so no, you can stuff your fairy tales, since the world is a dangerous place, and why pretend otherwise, because in some sad way they are afraid to ever again indulge that part of them that would want comfort over truth, kid, since what a false hope it will turn out to be, so they impose upon you the endless indignities of their life in a 400 sq ft walk up miles from anything and call it virtue...
and last but not least your buddies will teach you, brother to brother, the perils of looking vulnerable. They will teach you to sound like a man as a boy, to keep your money in your sock or underwear, a practice you never questioned until you were a teenager, and they will teach you to 'hold your own', but they will neglect to remind you to be yourself( and potentially for the best.. Who they hell could you be with all this weight on you?).
I know how good you are, or how you will never be good enough (and that you secretly love that fact..), now can I please go back to playing with my blocks and throwing Wet Soggies out the window...!? This is just one more place for god's sake, don't let it get to you.. One more... Really good place..
Some guy wrote a song called New York I Love You, but You Are Bringing Me Down..
He's voicing the attitude.. sigh, of group two, but somehow the tone says the same thing I want to say.. Take it away Kermit, perhaps perfectly, one contribution of NYC to a pretty well rounded childhood..a creature of the Mississippi Delta though Hensen might have been, he came too...
Oh, and..

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sentimentality and it's failures..

It has been something I notice more an more that the more sentimental a people are prone to be, the less they tend to their surroundings..
The sad paradox of this is that the nicer the surroundings, often the less sentimental the people, the less they seem to be enjoying it. They are either too busy trying to improve it, or have a hard time feeling that way... Thus the Scottish farmer lives in a virtual paradise of green while the Latin Intellectual usually lives in a cement tomb of imagination... and both come across as discontent..

Who's Zooming Who?: Libertarianism and Corporatism

One thing I have learned is that any genuine Libertarian doesn't like at all the charge of Corporatism, and is ready to quickly argue that their theories mean a level playing field for all, and I take that at face value, as libertarianism is a philosophy, in so much as anyone should give a shit about politics, that I do appreciate. I have seen the benefits of it in some of the wilder places on earth.. but the world is a crowded place these days, and our action can have deep impact in unseen ways, and it's hard to just turn and set a course for libertarian utopia from a lot of the places we are right now as modern nations. I love that New Zealand deregulated and de-incentivized it's agriculture, and after about 5 years was flying high, but New Zealand is a small and prosperous place.
My appreciation stated, I want to offer a link to this PBS episode, which I could back up with personal insight into one of these mentioned Libertarian Organizations, 80% of which they say I would nod some sort of agreement to, but want to just let speak for it's self. Some of the best info is at the very end, so if you have patience, follow it through what might seem like a kind of Liberal introduction, and a lazy middle, as there is some compelling honesty here:
The Thesis that a libertarian can take away might be that they are being used, not to state the obvious, but it doesn't necessarily make them wrong.. but it is also hard for many people to see defiant Selfishness as a virtue if you are still going to drive the Queen's Roads..

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Little Toe's

My Little Toe's seem to hang off and be kind of superfluous... The part of me that is German sometimes wants to cut them off because carrying them around seems like a waste. I wonder how many generations it will be before they fall off?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Geography of Hotness

It's hard for me to explain this endeavor as anything more than what some might see as utterly reprehensible objectification. Guilty!
For those who would say fetish is an immaturity to be transcended for the great things of life to come, I might agree, but with two caveats:
1. Fetish might be one of the Great Things in Life, at least for a while, and in addition,
2. The only way to get past it might be to explore it, thoroughly. In Baccus' Dance with Death all things are realized, said a Philosopher that I will decline to name now because it will make me look even more like an ass hole if you don't like the guy, but ponder his words for a second.
Going on from here, as I work to transcend, perhaps what motivates me in my weak animal moments is the smell and sight of a pretty girl, base as it may be... and to these usually idyl observations I have decided to try to add a little insigh, to understand in the mind what the loins only report.

Reasons for Hotness:
Endless refinement within one society (The Horn of Africa)
A fortunate coming together of two groups (French Polynesia)
Crisis Breeding, the loss of a large portion of one gender, leading to increased selectivity (Germany after World War II)
A New Start: a Place where people move to improive their life, the most confident and potentially hottest of a society, starting a new culture that leads to in improved pool of Selectivity (Calfornia)
A great Article by National Geogrpahic, which seems to be availible only in part, that laid out some of the science behind attraction. It touched on a few of these themes, notibly by saying that we are attracted in part to people who have the greatest genetic diversity from ours. This might be an explanation for Europeans propendency for Yellow Fever, and in New World: Native Love, or Squaw Fever.
sound track for this entry
or if you prefer a newer version

Places of Reputed Hotness:

California USA
The American South
Miami: The Capitol of Latin America
The West Coast of Florida: The Dumbest Hottest Women in America
Ivy League Colleges
Washington DC: Power is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac
Around any Important Person
Las Vegas, Nevada: Trashy Hotness Commoditized, although not quite like LA
Las Vegas, Montreal, and Miami Strip Clubs
British Colombia
Sinaloa, Mexico
El Salvador
Cali, Colombia (Ful Bodied)
Medellin, Colombia (Full Personalitied)
Bogota, Colombia (Classy)
Armenia and Pereira, Colombia (Sweet)
The Horn of Africa
Belfast, Ireland
Upper Class England
Greece, if you like em big!
Eastern Europe
Western Australia
The Gold Coast
French Polynesia

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fun with Google Earth

The other night, I couldn't get Google Earth to focus so I could look at something during a bout of insomnia. Instead, i started spinning the globe like a basketball... I felt like God pretending to be the Harlem Globetrotters..
Give it a try!

The Latest Tyranny: MBA's and the New America

"Meet the new boss, same as the Old Boss.."   The Who

Every Country has it's frustrations, it's mentality or self impression that keeps it moving forward limply from where it keeps shooting itself in the foot. America's is the Corporatocracy. I marvel at the evil brilliance of it when I search all over a city for a hotel room where a window opens. Fresh air now has a price.. and when I ask about it, the staff, often with righteous indignation, tell me that opening windows are a safety risk, like they are running a pre school. Nothing ever made me want to jump out more...only in America it seems...
This idea that the logic of the business should be accepted as the logic of the nation, the brave new world ideas of the Koch Brothers and the evil bean counters who have way more influence in the banal Bauhaus postwar world of Shaumberg's and Irvine's and Atlanta's then we want to admit, the world of your sold out cousin, and the world you have to pass through ever time you take a plane, go to a gas station, or have to visit when you go to see that guy from high school you can't help but like even though he moved to some shit hole of big box commerce and those houses that really do, as much as you tried to imagine it couldn't be so, look all exactly the same, for the worst reason of all.. for the school district (where the schools yes, look like prisons or factories, all ready to pump out the next generation of ambitious fucks you can't even imagine could think that way, ready to sell quality of life under the bridge to make you live more like them, to shave one more penny for them at the sake of you), convenience, and some sad fantasy of safety and a back yard.
For those of you who got that the above is code for being racist, unadventurous, formulaic and sold out, I will admit now that the people I am casually blaming are the MBA's who, since WWII, have been calling the shots on what the average American life should be that about half of us seem to be falling for. The marketing fucks you sometimes blame work for the aforementioned... The simple notion of Rational Analysis and Cost/Benefit Analysis, when the don't include human factors, are the notions responsible for depriving us of the charms of a more random and natural life if it doesn't benefit them, like opening windows at a Hampton Inn. These mass decision making tools are taught at business schools, and tell me, do any of your friends go to business school without a greed motive.. is there a business school out there that is what U Michigan or Columbia are to Law, places that train for careers of selflessness (not that I put that on a higher pedestal per se..).. not really. That guy whose dad seemed to have a secret gay crush on him who worked out too much in high school and reminded you of Christian Bale in his grooming habits a little too much, he's got an MBA by now you can be certain.. he didn't get it to make your life better. He might have learned some notion of Enlightened Self Interest, might have taken an ethics class or two, learned to charge you even more to treat you the way a human should be treated anyways (I'm looking at you Ritz Carleton, you soulless robot!) but he is not doing all that math to give you anything he doesn't make the better half on, and that's just the beginning of the tricks he might be mastering. Think about all the shit this last election was about, what Mitt represented... sure freedom, and I am not arguing for more regulations here, but freedom to do all the shit that makes you want to hang yourself before calling your cell phone company, the airlines, or deal with your mortgage broker after he sold off your loan, or the company that laid off your brother or shafted his assumed retirement.. Who.. MBA's, that's who.. and they aren't a race or a class.. it's a way of thinking, kind of a code, it's a mentality that enshrines fiduciary responsibility or financial gain above all else that I am bitching about.. it's what makes life just a little less dignified and a little less livable in the mainstream every day, that extra ad at a sports venue, or the damn new monolith of a bar in the bleachers at Yankee Stadium that takes all the fun out of the ol' cheap seats.. it's the smaller and smaller peanuts on the flight, and the annoying conversation you have to have when you sleep late in a hotel and someone talks to you on the phone as if you abused a sacred right since check out time is right now.. who? MBA's got um by the twat... steer clear if you can...
a peek into enlightened self interest:
A peek into a sadder more conventional form of it, the kind we are most likely to face:
after reading this, think of millions of examples, from environmental disasters to the famous alleged case in the 60's of the RAND corporation coming up with a value for the life of a soldier to help make decisions on purchasing safety equipment under Robert MacNamara, who was a business school professor at first.
This makes me realize that perhaps some of my mistrust, though well founded in the present day by the nuisances stated above, leads back to an animosity for what might have been the successful but awful logic that those of us who remember the Cold War called Brinkmanship, the game of chess that seemed to be played at the expense of our peace of mind by those in Government, Business and Politics, the famed Military Industrial Complex of Eisenhower fame. It was at that moment more than perhaps any other in America and maybe the world, that even if it worked on some fucked up level, the game seemed to get out of hand, or if you were from any number of third world countries that got shoved into some awful war due to geopolitical forces like Guatemala or Ethiopia, or places that got contaminated by NBC production and deployment (Nuclear Biological and Chemical), like Hanford WA or the South Pacific, it sure as fuck got out of hand, and it all seemed to go back to paper sense overcoming common sense.. the MacNamaras of the world leading us down a road that the average guy can only scratch his head as to how he really benefits from it, or agrees that it saves him a few bucks and thinks no more, as that must be good, and the closest equivalent today would likely be seen in the conflict of practicality of inertia of how we do things now over action to change that is the battleground of the Global Warming Debate, another mess that, yup, I can kind of blame on the MBA''s almost fun...

Friday, November 23, 2012

American Berlin: Detroit Rock City

If Chicago is the guy masturbating in his basement to porn, then telling his wife he was working and that everything is ok. In Detroit, the guys wife is down there with him enjoying it just as much, smoking a cigarette and laughing a horse laugh from the futon they dragged down there.. it's an honest city... it doesn't have much choice, but it gives an honest product, for better or for worse..
It's the biggest victim of the luxury it allowed by creating the age of the personal automobile, white flight, but it also seems to enjoy the rewards of it's freedom, convenience, and easy access to out of the way places, broad boulevards, and the weird safety you feel in a big hunk of steel as your cruise around and get to watch the worst of urban blight America has to offer from the safety of your car like a kid at the aquarium checking out the invasive species exhibit. Hell, it even has America's first aquarium of all things.
Anyone who knows my interests would know that I love the urban 'archeology' that abounds in a place like this, the relics of a bygone greatness, like an Indiana Jones adventure.. the museum like quality of a bunch of hulking old structures mutely telling you something great happened here, something explosive, and it was so intense there could be no follow up, the big bang led to a similarly big contraction, which burned out all the oxygen, soaked up by the lungs of the Motown Greats. Detroit is defiant to simple urban planning fixes, the Disney-fication option. It´s as if it's saying:You can't put a Jimmy Johns sandwich in my bottom floor, some lofts and call me good, I fucking changed the lifestyle of the world, perhaps for the worse, but you wanted it. It's like a drug dealer doing a long stretch, his consolation being that he gave people what they wanted, gave em a thrill, and no one else inside has much of an issue with it besides the damn prosecutor and the pissed off victims.. He gets left alone or even lauded in the joint.. crazy fucker with the long hair and the placid calm was big before the 70's, when life caught up with him.. fucking prosecutor named Nader! (Half of me kids... and I don't always put on my seat belt.. oh yeah.. I'm wild Nader, watch me dance.. oh and by the way, did you know that Ralph Nader grew up like 4 miles from where John Brown was born I believe it was, Winchester CT. Always thought that was interesting. Anyhow..). Detroit then functions with a clean conscience of someone who just bet big on the wrong horse, took a risk in life he has no regrets about, but knows it's luck will change.. sure there is a sad side to it all, but like Florida, it's so bad it's good. If you can't have a sense of humor about it you wouldn't last there anyways.
But what's funny is that it ain't about saving Detroit for Detroiters. They are long past that. People kept telling me they got everything they need, it just ain't where you expect it to be, and as a local showed me around, it proved to be true. They don't pity or pooh over what happened, a city of 3 million or so shrunk down to 700k.... they know where they all went, just the other side of 8 mile, a whole gaggle of honkeys hanging out living the way honkeys live.. that's OK, they might be the ones missing out is the feeling you get if you hit some of the towns haunts like in Corktown or Midtown or West Village. Motown ain't got to apologize.. if it ain't for you, it ain't for you. You can go someplace warm, go to the Burbs and never come back, or just give up, but you might be missing out, and if you don´t realize that, who needs you anyways...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The High to Our Proclaimed Low: Subcultures in America, As Good As It Get's...

For all the talk of how mass culture is destroying America, and why not, let's go so far as to say the world, since the appetites of the Post War culture and lifestyle we unleashed on this world seems to have been a huge factor in our current massive environmental dilemmas, although it didn't seem so bad when you were listening to Buck Rogers on the radio, car's had fins to go with the show, and Jet Planes really did go that much faster.. there is one glimmering but apparently unrecognized high side to the all consuming consumer Home From Nowhere lost in the burbs culture that we all kind of bitch about or ignore as the elephant in the room: It has created what might be the most fascinating set of subcultures in the world.. truly.. for all the talk of Bowling Alone, as a whole, we join a hell of a lot of odd stuff..
Just start with the Sci Fi and Fantasy worlds.. think of all those geeky little clubs you know guys belong to in places like Madison, Wisconsin and Cleveland, Ohio.. you know the guy, educated but casual, goatie and a shaved head and black rimmed glasses, thinks his job is easy, likes craft beer, steady girlfriend.. he goes to Trek Conventions (see the documentary Trekkies if you haven't).. sure he makes fun of it, but he goes.. all sorts of weird games he plays, intellectual pursuits he engages in to keep his mind lucid as he struggles to keep life going... how he wears a kilt in summer and goes on these medieval weekend retreats.. you make fun of it, but oh the fantasy of it all.. he might belong to a club that surrounds his sexual fetish to go to on Saturday night(One of the Cable Networks has a whole show dedicated to exploring this.. Real Sex.. there are women who make a living popping balloons with their clothes on in this country..) and there's the red state pursuits.. Civil War reenactment, 4x4 clubs, start with white tail deer, the rat's of the hunting world, and work up to groups that focus on wild ibex's in Kurdistan.. they have groups for it.. I am just guessing that there is some American group that if you google it they focus on wild Ibex's in Kurdistan... we are rife with odd pursuits, and stumbling upon them is such a thrill because we feel we have set the bar so low because we have come to see the norm in our country, through advertising and criticism, as one of a McMansion in the burbs, when in fact I bet only 30% of us live that way, but growing up there even, are these weird subcultures... endless amounts of them... Thanks to the 5 day work week (although we voluntarily work a lot more, so much more that I believe that despite all the claims of decadence, american' work the longest hours of anyone one earth, which might be due to the corporate slavery that goes hand in hand with the Suburban criticism, but could also be people who have these unique subculture/recreational obs and just love what they do, get obsessed with making the coolest new gun like on some discovery channel show, or work long hours to get people ready for the Nathans Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest (where else but in, you said it, America..2012, Chesnut´s 6th Victory.. GO USA!

Fact's may not support all this completely,  I almost don't want to look, it may be a happy fiction I tell myself to deal with the banality I encounter,  but with leisure, which reads as full bellies, safety and free time, comes intellectual exploration, and that leads us to what we have today, the Garden Club on speed, 5000 permutations into an endless experiment in new shades of ways to kill time.. and it's hard not to find it cool for all the Edward Scissorhands hate we see for what spawned it..

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cliche as Conversation in New America

I have observed, so as to stick with ' Grumpy Sociology' theme of this 'blog', that American's don't seem to speak to one another anymore with anything approaching original thought. They instead seem to have whole conversations that are almost exclusively regurgitations of Conventional Wisdom and Cliche's, the kind of stuff an active brain hears once, processes, but doesn't feel the need to ever say again. It might just be a drunk white guy thing to do, but it's also a drunk white girl thing to do, and a sober white guy thing to do, and a sober white girl thing to do, and a sober red neck thing to do, and a drunk red neck thing to do, and on and on...
Sometime in the 1970's I feel as if movies became pervasive enough that there was no hiding from the stereotypes it would observe, examine, and display, and the news media did the same thing. After a while, instead of endeavoring to be unique, the vast majority of people seemed to just give up, join one or another stereotype, and just parrot it's mantras all day long.. it went from being somehow complex prior to our overexposure, to just being this hollow parroting.. This might be a nostalgic view, that somehow there was more substance behind the cliche's a harder life for the NYC stock World War Two character or cop or stock pickup driving southern boy back in the day, when the world was less depicted, and a little less glossy and smooth; that it somehow had more texture, but was still driven by group dynamics, we just follow these hollow roles more than ever because the individual texture is gone, we don't know how to get it back, so now we are just mouthfuls of affirmation of that hollow role we picked out... almost daily in the contiguous 48 I feel like that is exactly what I see... 12 Angry Men fades to Dog Day Afternoon, which fades to Heat 2, which fades in turn to a crack on Friends or How I Met Your Mother about a headier past, by some nostalgic writer, and conversation devolves into some endless blather of group opinion affirmation as we wait for our wing dings to heat up in the national sports bar from hell.. and any deviation from this is an abdication, and leads to some endlessly rehashed sharing of more cliched and regurgitated opinions with nary a new fact or idea submitted or entertained.. and the status quo lives on, and we get to keep doing what we think we should be unabated, until the next round of wings arrives...

Friday, November 9, 2012

LA in a nutshell

Image result for hollywood
To spend time in LA it so learn the true bizarre complexity of humanity, the imagination of God, however you want to describe it.. what a place.. so wrong yet so right, but so much to hate:
but yet....

Los Angeles is horrible place to have a normal life, but somehow, a great place to while away free time..

Thursday, November 8, 2012


life is short for the indecisive, and long for those of us forced to tolerate them..

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

'Second' City may be Ambitious...

Chicago, you are mediocre.... sure you're friendly,... gracelessly, but that's how so many people describe their first wife... for all your pretend edge, we can see right through to the fact that you compromised because you were pretty sure you couldn't make it anywhere else.. we can see that you have ambition but really no taste, that you like big and bold but are only comfortable with commoditized.. you wouldn't know good for real if it hit you like a winter wave from your crappy little fresh water pond which connects you to the happening trading empires of Sheboygan and Michigan City, oh joy, the cosmopolitan fervor of it all, like a modern Venice no doubt..
Your river running the wrong way is somehow a perfect symbol of what's happening to progress here..
Your cowed white men, shorn and shiny, shunned out of displaying even the slightest hint on sexual imagination or savagery in such an oddly feminine city, eager just to pretend to be everything a Disney shaped female imagination would want.
All your bleach blonds (Polish Chic, or Dump Truck Chic, as I keep thinking that they would do anything they can to not let you figure out their dad made his cash running dump trucks in the burbs somewhere) with their prized matter of fact-ness, the practicality that led them to this flat tomb of derivative and borrowed culture they so value (smells like fear, but sold as 'sensibility'), their accessibility a sad byproduct of the subconscious self loathing that goes with a life of compromise, and your old school tough guys, hanging their hat on the clubby-ness of presumed old school suffering Upton Sinclair style, while the union hall rocks fat full of no show cash, the defibrillators ready to try to keep another one on your rolls a few days longer, while the rest of your 'hip young crowd' tries to rebel without noise while still cherishing this sad basis as an origin. And lest ye forget your banal suburbanites, so proud of their flight from the south side or whatever pseudo urbanity they confuse with a sweltering Calcutta, or step up to the big burbs from someplace even more logical and less romantic (if possible, but beware it exists all through the Midwest!) but so eager to show not a lick of pretension (never thought you would miss it until now) as the bore you with banter born of an empty soul.. the Ned Reyerson of our Groundhogs Day in the Windy City...

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Scourge of the Angry White Man

Did you ever notice how the more insecure the dude, the bigger the truck or the louder the bike... what is it with that?
The claim of the misunderstood white man, unable to provide in the simple formula he craves, so that he would rather change the rules to suit himself than adapt to the demands of value, who feels so threatened by the outside forces, finds himself clinging to fantasies of simple virtues while the collaterals of his life clog up the world for 7 billion others, and he all the time plays victim, plays the woodsman encroached upon by medicracy, the fascist myth embodied, his fantasy of himself as virtuous and the truth of what it is like to deal with him so distant from one another. It's always the sell out who pretends the hardest to be the outsider, the least principaled that gripes about how the nation has abandoned it's principles.. and don't get me wrong, I believe in a libertarian outlook, but I don't want to drown the baby with the bathwater like so many of these guys do, and the funny thing is, the closer I get to people with real struggles, or people of real frontiers like Alaska and the Desert Southeast, or places of real Foment like Mexico or Memphis, the kinder you actually find them to be, the more willing to help, the less partial to a fantasy of themselves since the reality forges a greater more complex self awareness... it is in this mollycoddled bizzarro world of white America that the fear of chaos brings so many feints of victimhood, like the never ending chats of victimhood by the endlessly self righteous muslim enemies these honkeys take on, their diesels blaring, too heavy to take the curves of life they demand their tax dollars bulldoze into a straight line with a lane for them only..

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Narcissism as a Virtue in New America

Narcissism isn't a new thing, the name comes from I think a greek fable of all things, but we seem to be reaching new highs in narcissism in America, and it seems like narcissism is becoming a virtue instead of the self defense mechanism it is clinically defined as; Instead of a reaction to some harshness or unboundaried insanity, it is being passed down as a way of being alive and satisfied, one facebook photo post at a time.. The boomers made a hysteronic art of Narcissism while simultaneously railing against it in their parents, Gen X fought against it, crying that it hurt to be open but open was the requirement, but it appears that Gen Y will take the cake for unquestioned self reverence and adoration, life at the meeting place of Marketing and Self Worth... This is not to say there aren't effective or smart, so much is being made of how they are joiners and not acrimonious, but they take that as a kind of placation of others to buy time to turn their reverence back on themselves, to sink into a private little world of gawking and constant self evaluation and comparrison and facade.. somehow it feels so good... It's similar to how porn has overtaken sensuality in so many circles.. the new edgy is trash, which elevates it... and this isn't an arguement against an industry or freedom of expression, but a fear that the cheaper elements of that expression have gotten an upper hand and are seen as the height of intimacy and sensuousness to the unititiated.. kind of Dolly Parton as the paragon of self expression, when in the quiet smoulder of a quieter less brash imagination there might be so much more nuance and pleasure, but since it can't be seen without it's market value to the new self lovers, it has no value at all... sad really..

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The cruel justice of an IPad IOS6

With my downloading of IOS 6 for this damn ipad a friend made me get to stay in touch with the world, I am confronted with a funny and sad kind of Karmic justice, proof of what a shitty little stop this life is.
Not that there aren't bigger bumps in the road, but in loosing Youtube, and this piece of shit won't give me any ways around it no matter how hard my efforts, to watch any video that doesn't come from the Apple Computer Company right now, I'm getting a taste of the censorship the Siamese workers experience putting this thing together in some sad place like guangdong. The sadness of the arrogance of the act, that a corporation is denying me access to basic portions of the internet experience since they made my portal, because they aren't making any money off of it one might infer, no matter what bullshit about not liking Flash Steve Jobs might have said, is a sad testamony to American domestic issues. Abroad it is a government that censors, no matter how liberal siam has become, or how enfranchised the vast majority of the people feel there, and here, in my country of birth, we are being controlled, quite literally as I write, by a computer company, and I try not to be doom and gloom, but in a pretty ghoulish and rediculously greedy way.. no matter how much Santa Monica hip and Cuppertino wisdom I am smugly being told I posses now with this machine, I am being reminded of the true wisdom of Bill Gates in creating a truly open place for innovation and dialogue, messy as it was, and I am pretty sure this is the last apple product I will ever buy... come on google, make a better tablet, would you please..